We always seek to deliver each course in accordance with the information set out in our prospectus, on our relevant course pages and in other information we provided when you applied to study at the College.

However, there may be circumstances in which we may need to make changes to/in relation to our courses.

Please see the course pages for your year of entry for the most up-to-date information relating to your chosen course:

Some flexibility is inherent to the learning experience the College offers. In most cases, you will have applied to the College well in advance of the start of the course, and our courses run over several years. It is not desirable and can be very difficult to fix all aspects of course delivery so far in advance.

One of the particular features of life at the College is that our courses are designed to be dynamic and responsive. We also encourage our academics to deliver courses in a manner which reflects their individual style and expertise, consistent with offering a world leading education.

This webpage details the limited circumstances in which we may need to make changes to or in relation to our courses, the type of changes we may make and how we will tell you about changes we have made.

Types of changes

Below we have set out the types of changes we may need to make to our courses, examples of those changes, and the reasons why we may need to make those changes.

Types of changes

Major changes

What we consider to be a major change

Changes which go to the heart of the educational experience you receive or which are significantly different to what you were told and what you would have expected when you accepted your place.

Why we may need to make major changes

For legal or regulatory reasons, if there is a compelling academic need to make the change or because we otherwise think the change is necessary and in the College’s and/or your best interests.

Examples of major changes

  • Changes to the course title
  • Changes to the award
  • Significant restructuring of the course
  • Substantial changes in course content
  • Changes to the progression rules
  • Changes to the status of a course (e.g. to accreditation status)
  • Fundamental changes to the learning and teaching strategy (e.g. changing the method of delivery from face-to-face to distance learning)
  • Changes to the primary campus location
  • Suspension or discontinuation of core modules
  • Discontinuation of elective modules
  • Suspension or discontinuation of the course
Minor changes

What we consider to be a minor change

Changes which are part of the flexibility inherent to our courses, and which do not go to the heart of the educational experience you will receive; the course will not be significantly different from what you were told or what you would have expected.

Why we may need to make minor changes

For legal or regulatory reasons, if there is a compelling academic need to make the change or because we otherwise think the change is necessary and in the College’s and/or your best interests.

In addition, to review and enhance the course as part of the College’s normal processes, to improve the services we offer or to operate efficiently.

Examples of minor changes

  • Change of lecturer or other staff
  • Changes to individual module titles
  • Revisions to the content of individual modules to reflect development within the academic discipline and current affairs
  • Changes to enhance the delivery or assessment methods of individual modules
  • Timetabling changes
  • Incidental changes to our facilities
  • Temporary suspension of elective modules

Communicating changes to you

We may need to make changes to our courses before you have accepted your place, after you have accepted your place, and once you have started studying on your course.

How we will communicate those changes to you and what course of action is open to you will depend on where you are in the application journey or whether you have already started your course of study.

Timing of changes

Changes after publication of course information, before you apply

Information in our prospectus and on our website is up to date when it is published, and is designed to be relevant to applicants who are then in the process of applying to study on the course.

As explained above, we may need to make certain changes to or in relation to our courses. If we do so, we will try to draw them to your attention, but we are not always aware who will have seen our prospectus or visited our website. As a result, we recommend you check the relevant course pages before finalising your application to ensure no changes have been made.

Changes after you have been made an offer but before you start on the course

If we have to make any changes after you have been made an offer but before you start on the course, we will provide information on these within the relevant course pages.

As part of your preparations for starting at the College, you should regularly check the relevant course pages.

In the case of any major change, we will offer you the chance to withdraw from the course if you are unhappy about that change.

If you have any questions about changes that have been made to a course that you are holding an offer for, please contact the relevant department to discuss these changes and how they might affect your learning experience.

Major changes once you have started studying on your course

It is unlikely we will make major changes to your course once you have started studying however these types of changes are not always avoidable. 

Exceptions include:

  • where we are affected by an event outside of our control
  • where you resit or repeat a year so that you do not complete your studies as expected
  • where we are not able to teach-out the course as planned

We will always do what we can to minimise any disruption or inconvenience to you.

In the event we have to make a major change, we will:

  • consult you in advance
  • listen to your views
  • seek your agreement

If you are unhappy with the major change, we will try to find a solution you are happy with and will support you, for example by offering you the right to withdraw without penalty, refunding your tuition fees, or allowing you to transfer to a different course.

Minor changes once you have started studying on your course

Minor changes will take place as part of the natural lifecycle of a course and many are inherent to the successful operation of the courses we offer. They are often unavoidable, for example, when a member of staff leaves. You are therefore expected to adopt a cooperative and flexible approach.

You will be told about minor changes which affect your course, but you will not be offered the right to withdraw, a refund, or the right to transfer to a different course as a result of a minor change.

We will always do what we can to minimise any disruption or inconvenience to you.