Before applying for a President's PhD Scholarship, candidates must have made contact with a supervisor in an academic department at Imperial College London who has agreed to supervise their research project.

President's PhD Scholarships primary supervisors are only permitted to supervise one student at any time.

The lists below indicate supervisors who are currently unavailable to new students. 

Departments should notify Student Financial Support of any changes to supervision or if a supervisor needs to be added/removed from this list.

List of unavailable supervisors in the Faculty of Engineering


Aeronautics Dr Paul Bruce
Aeronautics Professor Jonathan Morrison
Aeronautics Dr Andrew Wynn
Aeronautics Professor Peter Vincent
Aeronautics Dr George Rigas
Bioengineering Dr Juan Gallego
Bioengineering Dr Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro
Bioengineering Dr Claire Stanley
Bioengineering Professor Simon Schultz
Bioengineering Dr Angela Kedgeley
Chemical Engineering Professor Omar Matar
Chemical Engineering Dr Salvador Eslava
Chemical Engineering Professoressor Nilay Shah
Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Leroy Gardner 
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Professor Krystian Mikolajczyk
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Professor Kristel Fobelets
Materials Dr Johannes Lischner
Materials Dr Robert Hoye
Materials Dr Stefano Anglioletti-Uberti
Mechanical Engineering Dr Huizhi Wang
Mechanical Engineering Professor Daniele Dini
Mechanical Engineering Dr Stelios Rigopoulos
Mechanical Engineering Professor Maria Charalambides
Mechanical Engineering  Dr Ludovic Renson

List of unavailable supervisors in the Faculty of Medicine

Brain Sciences Dr Yu Ye
Brain Sciences Dr Magdalena Sastre
Brain Sciences Professor David Sharp
Brain Sciences Professor Paresh Malhotra
Brain Sciences Professor Paolo Muraro
Brain Sciences Dr Dasha Nicholls
Brain Sciences Dr Alexi Nott
Brain Sciences Professor David Nutt
Brain Sciences Dr Nir Grossman
Brain Sciences Dr Christopher Butler
Brain Sciences Dr Raffaella Nativio
Brain Sciences Prof Michael Johnson
Immunology and Inflammation Dr Niklas Feldhahn
Immunology and inflammation Professor Nichola Cooper
Infectious Disease Professor José R Penadés
Infectious Disease Professor Alison Holmes
Infectious Disease Dr Harry Low
Infectious Disease Dr Geodele Martens
Infectious Disease Dr Felicity Fitzgerald
Infectious Disease Dr David Riglar
Infectious Disease Dr Becca Asquith
Institute of Clinical Sciences Dr Santiago Vernia
Institute of Clinical Sciences Professor Petra Hajkova
Institute of Clinical Sciences Dr Louise Fets
Institute of Clinical Sciences Dr Alexis Barr
Institute of Clinical Sciences  Michelle Percharde
Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction Dr Veronique Azuara
Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction Dr Alejandra Tomas-Catala 
Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction Dr Burak Temelkuran
Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction Professor Tom Bourne
Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction Dr Victoria Male
NHLI Dr Guang Yang
NHLI Professor Peter Openshaw
NHLI Professor Maria Belvisi
NHLI Professor Tristan Rodriguez
School of Public Health Dr Eszter Vamos
School of Public Health Dr Azra Ghani
School of Public Health Professor Robyn Norton
School of Public Health Professor Paolo Vineis
School of Public Health Dr Dougal Hargreaves 
School of Public Health Dr Thomas Hone
School of Public Health Dr Ilaria Dorigatti
School of Public Health  Dr Oliver Robinson
School of Public Health  Dr Erik Volz
Surgery and Cancer Professor Iain McNeish
Surgery and Cancer Dr Claire Fletcher 
Surgery and Cancer Dr Ehsan Ghorani

List of unavailable supervisors in the Faculty of Natural Sciences


Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Friederike Otto
Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Gbemi Oluleye
Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Alexandra Collins 
Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Joeri Rogelj
Chemistry Dr Andreas G Kafizas
Chemistry Dr James A Bull
Chemistry Dr James Wilton‐Ely
Chemistry Professor Kim Jelfs
Chemistry Professor Ed Tate
Chemistry Dr Marco Di Antonio
Chemistry Professor George Britovsek
Mathematics Prof Colin Cotter
Physics Professor Henrique Araujo
Physics Professor Ralf Toumi
Physics Professor Florian Mintert
Physics Professor Chris Hull
Physics Professor Michael Tarbutt
Physics Professor Arkady Tseytlin
Physics Dr Derek Lee
Physics Professor Jenny Nelson
Physics Dr Michael Vanner
Physics Prof T Summer

List of unavailable supervisors in the Imperial College Business School

Professor Edward Anderson
Dr Pasquale Della Corte
Dr Mirabelle Muuls
Professor Marcin Kacperczyk
Dr Zhe Liu
Dr Sam Asher
Professor Rajkamal Iyer
Professor Wolfram Weissman