We are currently collating a list of FAQs about the project and these will be added to this page shortly.

Frequently asked questions

The Brand design work is a key dependency for the Website and Brand projects. All teams involved will collaborate closely to ensure that the key deliverables will work well for both print and digital use (with a focus on mobile first design) and be fully compliant with WCAG 2.2 accessibility standards.

All existing content types and layouts will be migrated to the new design, but we would encourage teams to review and update content in order to benefit from the new designs and templates.

We would like to update the news website, ideally moving the site into T4 CMS. This will be scoped out and assessed as part of the Discovery and Consultation phase and a decision made at that point whether to proceed with this idea.

Please see the content audit page for further information on the process and how to request an audit.

We are running ten workshops over July and August to consult with as wide an audience as we can on the business needs for the new website. Find out more about the workshops and the themes.

Yes, our digital agency will supply workshop invitees with an outline as to what to expect before said workshop will take place.

If you have missed the opportunity to attend a workshop, we will be sending a detailed questionnaire to capture further details about website requirements. We have tried to arrange the workshops attendees to give as broad as coverage as possible across Imperial.

The Imperial website is a central point for audeinces to reach the wider landscape of digital platforms used across Imperial. As part of the project, we will be looking at this digital landscape and working to understand and improve key journeys and access points to these online serives. We will be working closely with ICT and other teams to audit and understnand these tools.

We will be working to integrate sustainable objecives into the website redesign project. Some key areas the will help improve the sustainability of the website will be reducing content, speeding up pages and improving audience journeys, reducing the energy required to serve the website. We will be working closely with ICT to align the website redesign with the wider sustainability strategy.