These instructions show you how to add a link to a document in the Media Library for the general content type. These instructions also apply to adding links to AccordionsColour blockTabs and any other content types that use the text editor. If you have not added the document to the Media Library yet, please see the instructions for Adding documents: pdfs, Word, zip etc.


1. Navigate to your chosen section in the site structure and either:

2. In the text editor, click where you want to add the link.

3. Click the Insert file link or image button or go to Insert > Insert file link or image in the menu. Both of these do the same.

You will then be taken to the Media Library.

4. Navigate to where your image is stored. If you have just uploaded the document then the Media Library will take you straight to this folder.

5. Find the document you want to link to. If you have a lot of documents you can use the search Filter to search for the name, filename or keywords of the document.

6. Click on the link in the Name column. In my example Test document (PDF)

You will then be returned to the text editor where you will see your inserted link

Changing the link text

By default the link text will be the name of the document in the Media Library, but you can change this by double clicking on the link in the text editor and then entering your preferred link text in the Name field and clicking Ok. In this example I changed the default name from Example Document (PDF) to Renamed document (PDF).

This will then change the name of the link, but will not change the name of the document in the Media Library.

Adding document links to content types without the text editor

You can add document links to most content types including Column colour blocksImage griddocument download button in a HighlightBox  or  document download button in a sidebar. Each of these content types contain instructions on how to link to a Media Library document, but the methos for each of these is the same as they will have a field called Media Library Link and a Select media button (see below example). Clicking this button will open the Media Library and you can then select your chosen file to link to.