A-Z of content types

We have put together an A-Z list of all the content types available in T4 with links to full instructions and examples for each of them.

Content types are the building blocks of your web pages and are where you add your content, whether that is text, images or videos. There are many different types of content types including general text and image sections (general content), accordions, column blocks, tabs, buttons and many more. Almost all elements of the website design are available to use on your sections, (the College home page excepted).

A few content types will need some input from your Faculty Web Officer, these are clearly marked.

Each content type has a page showing examples and comprehensive step by step instructions on how to add it to your page. You can also view an A-Z list of content types for a quick glance of the content types available to you and which page layout templates they can be used on.

Getting started with content types

Before you add any specific content types, you should first familiarise yourself with some of the basic content type operations like adding and editing content as well as moving or duplicating existing content. 

Some examples of content types

The image below shows some different content types in action:

  1. Banner - slideshow
  2. Flexible content blocks
  3. Accordions

Screenshot showing banner slideshow, flecible content and accordions