Events - What's On page  This Web Skills module on uploading events will give you an overview of the College Events system, help you understand what an events feed is and how it works, show you what an events feed looks like and how to get one and show you how to add events to your website.

Uploading images menu

What are events feeds?
  • Event information is stored in a central database and fed through to your page.
  • Enables you to present your events in a neat, chronologically ordered template.
  • Enables you to ‘pull’ events from other CMS sites into your feed.
  • Really simple and easy to update by anyone.
  • You can also create an archive or expire events.
What does an event look like?

Events feed

An events feed displays:

  • A stream of events that you have created or pulled from elsewhere in the College.
  • A picture (if no picture is available a place holder will show).
  • the type of event e.g. Seminar.
  • the date and time (in chronological order).
  • the title of the event.
  • the location.

Below is an example of a department feed where they have chosen seven event items to display:

Department of Materials Events feed

The Event page

The event page is where the detail of the event sits, the user can see:

  • the picture.
  • the title.
  • A summary.
  • the date and time.
  • the venue and campus.
  • event type e.g. seminar.
  • the contact name.
  • the audience type.
  • add to calendar option.
  • further detail about the event and links to related content.
  • share the event/ bookmark the RSS / email option.
  • search for more events using the calendar.
An example of the events page

An example of an events page

Do I need an events feed?

There many good reasons to set up an event feed:

  • if your department holds regular events and seminars
  • to allow your users to plan in advance which event they will attend
  • if you have events that require pre-registration
  • if you need to attract as wide an audience as possible, you never know who else might be interested!
  • if you want to keep an online archive of your events
  • easy to share cross-department/ Faculty events
  • you can get RSS feeds of your events easily
Getting more exposure for my event

If you want your event to be pulled into the main College What's On page please contact the events team.

The Graduate School holds a list of research seminars.
To add your event tick the Research Seminar box when adding your event.

Research seminar tick box

How do I add an event?

Get an events feed set up

  1. Create a new page on your site to host the feed.
  2. Contact your Faculty Web Officer to get the feed set up with the following details:
  • Name of the events feed.
  • The page the events feed should be added to.
  • Who should be able to edit events.
  • Which Faculty/Department/Centre the feed belongs to.

Add an event

  1. Go to your event feed page and click add event.
  2. Fill in the form. 
  3. Click create the event.
Need more help?

To request an events feed or for more help contact your Faculty Web officer.