Genomic Medicine
Acquire the knowledge and skills to be able to interpret and understand genomic data across a range of settings.
Genomic Medicine
Acquire the knowledge and skills to be able to interpret and understand genomic data across a range of settings.
Genomic Medicine
Acquire the knowledge and skills to be able to interpret and understand genomic data across a range of settings.
Learn from experts to interpret genomic data in diverse settings
Gain flexible training for careers in clinical practice, research, and more
Enjoy a blended learning approach that fits around your career
Course key facts
1 year, 2 years
Start date
September 2025
Study mode
Full-time, Part-time
Full-time: £15,500
Part-time: £7,750 per year HomeFull-time: £45,000
Part-time: £22,500 per year Overseas
Delivered by
Royal Brompton
South Kensington
Minimum entry standard
2:1 in a Medical, Biomedical or Healthcare subject
PG Dip
8 months, 2 years
Start date
September 2025
Study mode
Full-time, Part-time
£10,334 Home
£36,000 Overseas
Delivered by
Royal Brompton
South Kensington
Minimum entry standard
2:1 in a Medical, Biomedical or Healthcare subject
PG Cert
4 months, 1 year
Start date
September 2025
Study mode
Full-time, Part-time
£5,167 Home
£22,500 Overseas
Delivered by
Royal Brompton
South Kensington
Minimum entry standard
2:1 in a Medical, Biomedical or Healthcare subject
Course overview
Build your knowledge to better understand how genomic data impacts patient diagnosis, care and treatment.
You’ll cover all major aspects of genomic science and medicine including the latest advances in the field.
Designed to suit students from a range of science and healthcare backgrounds. You will receive rigorous training in genomics and apply it to clinical practice and medical research.
You will be taught through a blended format of learning that incorporates face-to-face and online teaching, live webinars, and self-study across eight taught modules.
Each module runs for four consecutive weeks, one week of which consists of face-to-face on campus teaching in London. Assessments are submitted at the end of each module.
Study all six core modules, two optional courses and complete an extended research project. This project provides you with an opportunity to explore medical genomics using a range of research strategies. Students may conduct wet or dry lab research in any area of genomic medicine.
The course programme collaborates closely with the Institute of Cancer Research and Brunel University London to provide a broader range of training.
Short courses in Genomic Medicine
Modules offered as part of our MSc Genomic Medicine can be taken as standalone short courses.
For full details and to register, see Short courses on the NHLI website.
Build your knowledge to better understand how genomic data impacts patient diagnosis, care and treatment.
You’ll cover all major aspects of genomic science and medicine including the latest advances in the field.
Study all six core modules and two optional modules.
Designed to suit students from a range of science and healthcare backgrounds, you’ll receive rigorous training in genomics and apply it to clinical practice and medical research.
You’ll be taught through a blended format of learning that incorporates face-to-face and online teaching, live webinars, and self-study across eight taught modules.
Each module runs for four consecutive weeks, one week of which consists of face-to-face on campus teaching in London. Assessments are submitted at the end of each module.
The course programme collaborates closely with the Institute of Cancer Research and Brunel University London to provide a broader range of training.
Short courses in Genomic Medicine
Modules offered as part of our MSc Genomic Medicine can be taken as standalone short courses.
For full details and to register, see Short courses on the NHLI website.
Build your knowledge to better understand how genomic data impacts patient diagnosis, care and treatment.
You’ll cover all major aspects of genomic science and medicine including the latest advances in the field.
Designed to suit students from a range of science and healthcare backgrounds, you'll receive rigorous training in genomics and apply it to clinical practice and medical research.
You’ll be taught through a blended format of learning that incorporates face-to-face and online teaching, live webinars, and self-study across four taught modules.
Each module runs for four consecutive weeks, one week of which consists of face-to-face on campus teaching in London. Assessments are submitted at the end of each module.
The course programme collaborates closely with the Institute of Cancer Research and Brunel University London to provide a broader range of training.
Short courses in Genomic Medicine
Modules offered as part of our MSc Genomic Medicine can be taken as standalone short courses.
For full details and to register, see Short courses on the NHLI website.
This page is updated regularly to reflect the latest version of the curriculum. However, this information is subject to change.
Find out more about potential course changes.
Please note: it may not always be possible to take specific combinations of modules due to timetabling conflicts. For confirmation, please check with the relevant department.
You’ll study the following compulsory modules.
Compulsory modules
Build the foundational knowledge in genomic science required for subsequent modules, exploring topics including genomic architecture and regulatory systems.
Examine the omics techniques used to assess genomic and epigenomic variation in clinical problems and critically evaluate which techniques can be used and their limitations.
Understand the different ways that genetic variation can cause disease, and critically evaluate the relative merits of different methods of genetic analysis.
Analyse the principles of cancer genomics and assess how genomic analysis impacts these factors and ethical issues.
This module is delivered by the Institute of Cancer Research.
Appreciate how genomics can be used to provide more accurate diagnosis, predict effective drugs, and monitor infectious disease in individuals and populations.
Gain a basic knowledge and understanding of the concepts and methods required to analyse and interpret genome sequencing data.
You’ll choose one module each from Group 1 and Group 2.
Group 1
Deepen your understanding of the ethical principles that govern the implementation of genomic medicine in clinical practice, and how these inform societal changes.
Develop the tools required to deliver next-generation sequencing (NGS) results, and demonstrate awareness of the ethical, social and cultural considerations around reporting these results.
Group 2
Discover how genomic approaches can be used to understand the mechanisms of differential drug responses and reactions, and to inform patient stratification.
Review the methods, assumptions, decision models, and interpretation of cost estimate analysis for health care interventions and health outcomes.
This module is delivered by Brunel University London.
Unpick key concepts in developing gene and nucleic acid-based therapies from genomic studies, including efficacy and toxicity.
Understand different review methods and the data management, ethical and reporting requirements for research study. This is an e-learning module.
Complete a 14 week-full time or one-year part-time research project.
This can be laboratory-based, clinically-based, computer-based or literature-based.
Your work will be assessed by a written dissertation and an oral presentation.
The project may be supervised by staff at Imperial, the Insitute of Cancer Research, Brunel University London or at your workplace.
You’ll study the following core modules.
Core modules
Build the foundational knowledge in genomic science required for subsequent modules, exploring topics including genomic architecture and regulatory systems.
Examine the genomic techniques that are used to assess genomic variation in clinical problems, and critically evaluate which techniques can be used and their limitations.
Understand the different ways that genetic variation can cause disease, and critically evaluate the relative merits of different methods of genetic analysis.
Analyse the principles of cancer genomics and assess how genomic analysis impacts these factors and ethical issues.
This module is delivered by the Institute of Cancer Research.
Appreciate how genomics can be used to provide more accurate diagnosis, predict effective drugs, and monitor infectious disease in individuals and populations.
Gain a basic knowledge and understanding of the concepts and methods required to analyse and interpret genome sequencing data.
You’ll choose one module each from Group 1 and Group 2.
Group 1
Develop the tools required to deliver next-generation sequencing (NGS) results, and demonstrate awareness of the ethical, social and cultural considerations around reporting these results.
Deepen your understanding of the ethical principles that govern the implementation of genomic medicine in clinical practice, and how these inform societal changes.
Group 2
Discover how genomic approaches can be used to understand the mechanisms of differential drug responses and reactions, and to inform patient stratification.
Review the methods, assumptions, decision models, and interpretation of cost estimate analysis for health care interventions and health outcomes.
This module is delivered by Brunel University London.
Unpick key concepts in developing gene and nucleic acid-based therapies from genomic studies, including efficacy and toxicity.
Understand different review methods and the data management, ethical and reporting requirements for research study. This is an e-learning module.
You’ll study the following core module.
Core module
Build the foundational knowledge in genomic science required for subsequent modules, exploring topics including genomic architecture and regulatory systems.
Choose three optional modules from the list provided.
Optional modules
Examine the omics techniques used to assess genomic and epigenomic variation in clinical problems and critically evaluate which techniques can be used and their limitations.
Understand the different ways that genetic variation can cause disease, and critically evaluate the relative merits of different methods of genetic analysis.
Analyse the principles of cancer genomics and assess how genomic analysis impacts these factors and ethical issues.
This module is delivered by the Institute of Cancer Research.
Appreciate how genomics can be used to provide more accurate diagnosis, predict effective drugs, and monitor infectious disease in individuals and populations.
Gain a basic knowledge and understanding of the concepts and methods required to analyse and interpret genome sequencing data.
Deepen your understanding of the ethical principles that govern the implementation of genomic medicine in clinical practice, and how these inform societal changes.
Develop the tools required to deliver next-generation sequencing (NGS) results, and demonstrate awareness of the ethical, social and cultural considerations around reporting these results.
Discover how genomic approaches can be used to understand the mechanisms of differential drug responses and reactions, and to inform patient stratification.
Review the methods, assumptions, decision models, and interpretation of cost estimate analysis for health care interventions and health outcomes.
This module is delivered by Brunel University London.
Unpick key concepts in developing gene and nucleic acid-based therapies from genomic studies, including efficacy and toxicity.
Understand different review methods and the data management, ethical and reporting requirements for research study. This is an elearning module.
Teaching and assessment
Balance of teaching and learning
- Lectures, tutorials and independent learning
- Research project
- 67% Lectures, tutorials and independent learning
- 33% Research project
Teaching and learning methods
Computing labs
Data analysis
Debates and discussions
Virtual learning environment
Journal clubs
Laboratory teaching
Keynote lectures
Group work
Assessment methods
Oral presentations
Research project
Balance of teaching and learning
- Lectures, tutorials and independent learning
- Research project
- 100% Lectures, tutorials and independent learning
- 0% Research project
Teaching and learning methods
Computing labs
Data analysis
Debates and discussions
Virtual learning environment
Journal clubs
Keynote lectures
Group work
Assessment methods
Oral presentations
Balance of teaching and learning
- Lectures, tutorials and independent learning
- Research project
- 100% Lectures, tutorials and independent learning
- 0% Research project
Teaching and learning methods
Computing labs
Data analysis
Debates and discussions
Virtual learning environment
Journal clubs
Keynote lectures
Group work
Assessment methods
Oral presentations
Key people
Entry requirements
We consider all applicants on an individual basis, welcoming students from all over the world.
How to apply
Apply online
You can submit one application form per year of entry. You can choose up to two courses.
This course can be taken in progressional levels of study:
- PG Certificate (PG Cert)
- PG Diploma (PG Dip)
- MSc
Each level of study has its own entry point; you can apply to any level in the first instance but we recommend you apply for the award with which you wish to exit.
Read more about Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma and MSc degrees
There is no application fee for MRes courses, Postgraduate Certificates, Postgraduate Diplomas, or courses such as PhDs and EngDs.
If you are applying for a taught Master’s course, you will need to pay an application fee before submitting your application.
The fee applies per application and not per course.
- £80 for all taught Master's applications, excluding those to the Imperial College Business School.
- £100 for all MSc applications to the Imperial College Business School.
- £150 for all MBA applications to the Imperial College Business School.
If you are facing financial hardship and are unable to pay the application fee, we encourage you to apply for our application fee waiver.
Find out more about how to apply for a Master's course, including references and personal statements.
An ATAS certificate is not required for students applying for this course.
Fees and funding
Home fee
£15,500 total fee
Top-up fee from PG Dip: £5,166
PG Dip
£10,334total fee
Top-up fee from PG Cert: £5,167
PG Cert
£5,167total fee
If you have already completed one of the qualifications and are moving on to the next level of study, e.g. you've already completed the PG Cert and want to study the PG Dip, you will only need to pay the top-up fee for the course you’re applying for.
You may apply to enter this programme at any level of study.
If you enter the MSc, without having studied the PG Cert or PG Dip, then you will pay the full fee listed for the MSc.
If you enter at the PG Cert or PG Dip level and return in future academic years to complete a higher award, you will pay the top-up fee advertised in the year of your return, instead of the full fee for your chosen course.
If you continue uninterrupted from one award to the next, you will pay the relevant top-up fee, plus any annual inflationary increases applied to the entry fee. This applies to applicants who originally entered for a PG Dip or MSc. This does not apply to those who have completed a PG Cert or PG Dip and are re-entering for a higher award.
You should expect and budget for your fees to increase each year.
Your fee is based on the year you enter the university, not your year of study. This means that if you repeat a year or resume your studies after an interruption, your fees will only increase by the amount linked to inflation.
Find out more about our tuition fees payment terms, including how inflationary increases are applied to your tuition fees in subsequent years of study.
Whether you pay the Home or Overseas fee depends on your fee status. This is assessed based on UK Government legislation and includes things like where you live and your nationality or residency status. Find out how we assess your fee status.
As a preferred training provider for Health Education England, this course plays an important role in ensuring NHS staff have the knowledge, skills and experience required to stay at the forefront of this essential field. We continually make improvements to the course content to ensure that our education continues to respond to the needs of modern healthcare practice.
NHS and Public Health England employees can now apply for a HEE Genomics Education Programme scholarship to cover the tuition fees for individual modules, or longer programmes such as the PG Cert, PG Dip or the Masters.
To find out more about this funding and how you can apply please visit our Genomic Medicine funding page.
Please note that due to funding restrictions there are limited HEE GEP-funded places available on the October intake. Success in the HEE GEP scholarship application does not guarantee an HEE-funded place at Imperial College London.
If you're a UK national, or EU national with settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, you may be able to apply for a Postgraduate Master’s Loan from the UK government, if you meet certain criteria.
For courses starting on or after 1 August 2024, the maximum amount is £12,471.
The loan is not means-tested and you can choose whether to put it towards your tuition fees or living costs.
Overseas fee
£45,000 total fee
Top-up fee from PG Dip: £9,000
PG Dip
£36,000total fee
Top-up fee from PG Cert: £13,500
PG Cert
£22,500total fee
If you have already completed one of the qualifications and are moving on to the next level of study, e.g. you've already completed the PG Cert and want to study the PG Dip, you will only need to pay the top-up fee for the course you’re applying for.
You may apply to enter this programme at any level of study.
If you enter the MSc, without having studied the PG Cert or PG Dip, then you will pay the full fee listed for the MSc.
If you enter at the PG Cert or PG Dip level and return in future academic years to complete a higher award, you will pay the top-up fee advertised in the year of your return, instead of the full fee for your chosen course.
If you continue uninterrupted from one award to the next, you will pay the relevant top-up fee, plus any annual inflationary increases applied to the entry fee. This applies to applicants who originally entered for a PG Dip or MSc. This does not apply to those who have completed a PG Cert or PG Dip and are re-entering for a higher award.
You should expect and budget for your fees to increase each year.
Your fee is based on the year you enter the university, not your year of study. This means that if you repeat a year or resume your studies after an interruption, your fees will only increase by the amount linked to inflation.
Find out more about our tuition fees payment terms, including how inflationary increases are applied to your tuition fees in subsequent years of study.
Whether you pay the Home or Overseas fee depends on your fee status. This is assessed based on UK Government legislation and includes things like where you live and your nationality or residency status. Find out how we assess your fee status.
As a preferred training provider for Health Education England, this course plays an important role in ensuring NHS staff have the knowledge, skills and experience required to stay at the forefront of this essential field. We continually make improvements to the course content to ensure that our education continues to respond to the needs of modern healthcare practice.
NHS and Public Health England employees can now apply for a HEE Genomics Education Programme scholarship to cover the tuition fees for individual modules, or longer programmes such as the PG Cert, PG Dip or the Masters.
To find out more about this funding and how you can apply please visit our Genomic Medicine funding page.
Please note that due to funding restrictions there are limited HEE GEP-funded places available on the October intake. Success in the HEE GEP scholarship application does not guarantee an HEE-funded place at Imperial College London.
If you're a UK national, or EU national with settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, you may be able to apply for a Postgraduate Master’s Loan from the UK government, if you meet certain criteria.
For courses starting on or after 1 August 2024, the maximum amount is £12,471.
The loan is not means-tested and you can choose whether to put it towards your tuition fees or living costs.
Genomic Medicine scholarship
Value per award
- £3,000
Who it's for
- Home and Overseas students who an application to start the course in 2024.
The Dean’s Master’s Scholarships
Value per award
- £10,000
Who it's for
- All students applying to study a Faculty of Medicine Master’s course
The Dr Jean Alero Thomas Scholarships
Value per award
- Partial or full tuition fee at the Home rate
Who it's for
- All students applying to study a Faculty of Medicine lab-based Master’s course
Genomic Medicine scholarship
Value per award
- £3,000
Who it's for
- Home and Overseas students who an application to start the course in 2024.
Genomic Medicine scholarship
Value per award
- £3,000
Who it's for
- Home and Overseas students who an application to start the course in 2024.
How will studying at Imperial help my career?
Develop the essential core knowledge and skills for a genomic science and medicine career.
Explore this area of clinical practice and research from a multi-professional perspective.
Part-time students interested in applying genomic medicine to their current careers can also take advantage of this flexible program.
Many students pursue clinical and non-clinical PhDs and graduate medical degrees upon graduation.
With specialised knowledge, you'll be highly sought after in a range of sectors.
Many graduates often find roles in industry or the NHS Scientific Training Programme.
Further links
Contact the department
- Email: genomic@imperial.ac.uk
Course Director: Professor Mike Lovett
Senior Teaching Fellow: Dr Laura Collopy
Visit the National Heart and Lung Institute website.

Register your interest
Stay up to date on news, events, scholarship opportunities and information related to this course.

Events, tasters and talks
Meet us and find out more about studying at Imperial.

Meet our students
We asked some of our Masters' students about their individual journeys.
- Meet our Genomic Medicine students
- Learn about our current MSc projects
Terms and conditions
There are some important pieces of information you should be aware of when applying to Imperial. These include key information about your tuition fees, funding, visas, accommodation and more.
You can find further information about your course, including degree classifications, regulations, progression and awards in the programme specification for your course.
Programme specifications