Enterprise Advisory Group
To advise the Enterprise team on:
- Strategic direction – evaluating internal proposals from the Enterprise team and bringing external suggestions based on changing circumstances, new needs and best practice seen elsewhere, ensuring that these support the overall College strategy in relation to research, collaboration, entrepreneurship and innovation.
- Service delivery – feeding back concerns and positive experiences from academic faculty members and students to enable improvement.
- Guiding principles and College policies related to enterprising activity, such as rewards-toinventors, pricing of industrial research and equity holdings in startups (Founders Choice) – ensuring a transparent, equitable and supportive environment for students, staff and external stakeholders.
- External landscape, policies and opportunities.
To receive regular reporting on:
- Collaborations with industry (research and technology licensing)
- Startup company formations and growth (for IP startups where the College has founding equity, student startups, alumni startups and incubator occupants – which may be third parties)
- Entrepreneurship programmes and competitions
- Consultancy and major ventures
- Engagement and marketing initiatives
- Subsidiary financial performance
Terms of Reference
An advisory group to enable inputs from academic leaders and representative faculty members into the direction of Enterprise Division, which now has the following responsibilities:
- Industrial research collaboration and subscription services
- Technology evaluation, development and licensing
- Startup company formation, development and support, including investor engagement, incubation and mentoring
- Investment fund management
- Consultancy and major project management
- Scoping academic ventures which have a commercial element
- Entrepreneurship learning and development for students and staff (Enterprise Lab, Advanced Hackspace, Techcelerate)
- Growing the College brand as a source of innovation and reaching new enterprise audiences
- To report termly to UREB.
Core Membership
- Vice-Provost Research and Enterprise (Prof Mary Ryan) (Chair)
- Associate Dean for Enterprise, Faculty of Engineering (Prof Peter Cawley)
- Associate Dean for Industry Partnerships, Faculty of Engineering (Prof Ricardo Martinez-Botas)
- Associate Dean for Enterprise, Faculty of Natural Sciences (Prof David Klug)
- Associate Dean for Enterprise, Faculty of Medicine (Dr Mike Romanos)
- Associate Dean for Enterprise, Business School (Prof Ramana Nanda)
- Vice Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine (Martin Wilkins)
- Vice Dean (Research and Faculty), Business School (Prof Markus Perkmann)
- Advanced Hackspace Academic Representative (Dr Nick Jones)
- Director of Enterprise (Dr Simon Hepworth)
- Director of the Research Office (Lynne Cox)
- Deputy Director Enterprise (Alistair McDermott)
- Directors of Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation (Vjera Magdalenic-Moussavi, Viraj Perera, Julian Sikondari, Marika Reay & Jing Pang (Acting Director))
- Director of Entrepreneurship Learning & Development (Ben Mumby-Croft)
- Director of Consultancy & Services (Rebecca Andrew)
- Enterprise Executive Coordinator (Suzanne Fuente) (Secretary)
- Bi-monthly – 90 minutes
- The EAG is expected to advise on Enterprise matters ahead of consideration at College
senior leadership meetings