UREB Dates 2023/24

All meetings take place from 09.30 - 11.30

  • 11 September 2023
  • 11 October 2023
  • 22 November 2023
  • 13 December 2023
  • 17 January 2024
  • 21 February 2024
  • 20 March 2024
  • 17 April 2024
  • 26 June 2024
  • 17 July 2024

The University Research and Enterprise Board (UREB) chaired by the Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise), is a formal, sub-committee of the Academic Strategy Committee (a newly formed subcommittee of University Management Board). UREB works closely with the College Education and Student Experience Committee where interests overlap (such as knowledge exchange, innovation, commercial and social entrepreneurship, and PhD training). UREB promotes Imperial’s research and enterprise profile and its impacts, encourages responsible conduct of high-quality research, the development of a vibrant and inclusive research culture, reviews our regulatory obligations and considers service quality and growth opportunities for the College’s enterprise activities.

Terms of Reference:

  • To inform the College community of external influences on the development of research
    and enterprise.
  • To formulate, approve and review institutional positions and policies relevant to research,
    including reports, concordats and consultations.
  • To formulate, approve and review institutional positions and policies relevant to enterprise activities.
  • To oversee the research and enterprise focus of the College’s Strategy and Academic
  • To oversee and review major national and international research and enterprise
  • To oversee stakeholder relationships, including those with the research councils, learned
    societies, government, relevant industry and funder stakeholders.
  • To oversee the College’s research infrastructure, including large-scale multi-user research
  • To promote the generation of impact from the College’s research and to develop
    approaches to maximise and quantify that impact.
  • To oversee the College’s support for multidisciplinary working, including multidisciplinary
    Networks, Centres and Global Challenge Institutes.
  • To oversee the College’s professional development support for early career
  • To oversee the College’s research computing services.

Receive and consider reports from:

  • Research Advisory Group
  • Enterprise Advisory Group 
  • Graduate School
  • Library Services
  • Postdoc and Fellows Development Centre
  • University Open Research Group
  • Research Computing Service
  • Researcher Development Committee
  • Others as appropriate to the membership.

Core Membership

  • Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise), Professor Mary Ryan - Chair
  • Vice-Dean (Research), Faculty of Engineering, Professor Julie McCann
  • Vice-Dean (Research), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Professor Ramon Vilar Compte
  • Vice-Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine, Professor Graham Cooke
  • Vice Dean (Research and Faculty), Business School, Professor Markus Perkmann
  • Head of Postdoc and Fellows Development, Dr Liz Elvidge
  • Head of International Relations Office, Mr Michael McTernan
  • Director, Research Office, Ms Lynne Cox
  • Director, Library Services, Ms Chris Banks
  • Director, Enterprise, Dr Simon Hepworth
  • Director, Graduate School, Professor Yun Xu
  • Director, Strategic Planning, Ms Anna Shierson
  • Associate Dean for Enterprise, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Professor David Klug
  • Associate Dean for Enterprise, Faculty of Engineering, Professor Peter Cawley
  • Associate Dean for Enterprise, Faculty of Medicine, Dr Mike Romanos
  • Business School Representative. Co-director of the Deep Tech Institute and Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance, Business School, Professor Ramana Nanda
  • Imperial College Union Representative, Jordon Millward
  • Minute secretary, Caitlín O'Shea
  • Secretary, Emily Roche

The University Research and Enterprise Board will meet on a monthly basis between September and July.  It is supported by the Vice-Provost’s Executive Officer, Emily Roche.  

University Research and Enterprise Board summaries (where available) can be accessed by clicking the relevant meeting date below.

2020/21 CRC meeting summaries

Meeting dates (click on date for meeting summary - internal only)

14 April 2021

17 May 2021

09 June 2021

14 July 2021

08 September 2021

06 October 2021

10 November 2021

08 December 2021

Meeting dates (click on date for meeting summary - internal only)

11 September 2023

11 October 2023

22 November 2023

17 January 2024

20 March 2024

17 April 2024

26 June 2024

17 July 2024