Report and Support
Online form
0800 197 2814
Please state that you are calling the Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College CIC Hotline
The College aims to build a supportive, inclusive and highly motivated community across all our business areas, and we continually seek to improve our workplace and surrounding environment. Over the last few years staff survey results have identified many positive features of our working environment. Unfortunately we still have some staff in the Faculty of Engineering not feeling confident in expressing views when experiencing, witnessing or managing discrimination, harassment and/or bullying.
The Faculty of Engineering is committed to taking action to eliminate discrimination, harassment and bullying and we have introduced a number of initiatives in order to achieve this.
Taking action
In the Faculty of Engineering we have taken the following actions:
- We set up a special Have Your Say external hotline run by Confidential Care (CIC), the College's current employee assistance provider, where you can speak confidentially to a professional counsellor on the issues affecting you and your colleagues and remain anonymous (if you wish). If you prefer, you can use the anonymous online reporting tool.
- We tasked CIC to produce a strictly anonymous report indicating the scenarios and key issues.
- We use the report to challenge any behaviours that detract from the fantastic environment we work in.
- We rolled out Active Bystander Training across the Faculty to empower staff and students to challenge poor behaviours and bring about cultural change.
- We run leadership and management training sessions focused on developing skills that foster a positive management culture and practices.
Find out more by reading the Have Your Say campaign feedback
Making progress
Our progress in creating a positive workplace culture.
You have a voice
Please remember that:
- you can take action and should not tolerate poor behaviour;
- you don't have to suffer in silence - silence gives people permission to continue in their poor behaviour;
- you will be listened to and your concerns taken seriously.