The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's MSc Science Communication course. He’s also a longstanding BBC presenter and reporter. Gareth is joined each month by our roving reporters in the Communications Division.

If you have feedback that you'd like to share or ideas for future editions, we'd love to hear from you; please contact Gareth Mitchell.

You can also find the podcasts on most major platforms, including YouTube, Apple PodcastsStitcher and Spotify.

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Podcasts 2011

In the 18 January edition: Professor David Clements talks a bout the universal appe al of the latest results from the Planck observatory and in the first of a two part series, Professors Dick Kitney and Paul Freemont tell us about the benefits of synthetic biology.

Download the complete Podcast - 18 January 2011 (29mb)
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Or download individual chapters

  • Gareth Mitchell and Sam Wong discuss recent news from around Imperial , with their in-studio guests:
  1. Dr James Kinross explains how metabolic profiling of tissue samples could one day transform the way surgeons make decisions during an operation (6.7mb)
  2. Professo r David Clements gives us the cosmic low-down on the first results from the Planck satellite, including the discovery of the largest galaxy clusters ever found in the universe (4.7mb)