Ready to test your little grey cells? Imperial’s best minds set the ultimate puzzle challenge.

All puzzles set by Adam from the Imperial Quiz Society.


What links:

What connects a manor house in the Cotswolds, a village in South Somerset, a rock formation off the coast of Cape Ann, Massachusetts, and a small village in Huntingdonshire?

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The answer to this puzzle is:

They are locations which name the four sections of T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets: Burnt Norton, East Coker, The Dry Salvages, and Little Gidding.  

Very hard

What links:

What six-letter location is one of the longest words that can be formed by tracing a path across a keyboard? Letter repeats are allowed, although using the same letter twice in a row isn’t.

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The answer to this puzzle is:



What nine-letter country name is the longest country name that can be formed using only element symbols from the periodic table?

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The answer to this puzzle is:

Argentina: Ar Ge N Ti Na, Argon Germanium Nitrogen Titanium Sodium.