Join us in our mission to reach net zero by 2040.  

ICT are committed to Imperial's target of reaching net zero for Scope 1 and 2 emissions (energy and campus transport) by 2040 and minimising Scope 3 emissions (goods and services we buy) as far as possible. As part of this, we are making changes to ensure we can get there.

To summit up! – In 5 years, the Imperial community printed over 50 million pages, that’s enough paper to reach Everest Basecamp!
We need your help – you can reduce your paper mountain by using technology instead of paper for many tasks, like taking notes!

Go paper free - do you really need to print your lecture notes? Why not try electronic note taking, like using Onenote instead.


How much does your department print?

This league table shows how many sheets were printed by students and staff using the Imperial Print Service during the period from September 2023 to September 2024.

  • Faculty of Engineering -1,636,107
  • Faculty of Medicine - 1,402,876
  • Faculty of Natrual Sciences - 105,286
  • Professional Services  939,609 
  • Business School - 354,193

If you would like more information contact the ICT Service Desk.

Printers at Imperial

The current managed print service was put in place over five years ago, we can now see that printing volumes are far lower than in the early days of the contract. This is due to fewer people onsite since Covid and an increasing acceptance to only print when really needed. 

As such, we are reviewing printer needs around Imperial which ties in with our 'Think before you print' sustainability campaign. Along with commercial aspects of the contract renewal, we’ll be reviewing the number of printers we have at Imperial, how often they are used and whether we can reduce their energy footprint.

As printers are left on throughout the year energy is used even if printing output is low, so focusing usage on a smaller number of devices will have a positive impact on our energy use. We can also see that in many locations around campus there are multiple printers with very little usage, we all need to think about how close we really need to be to a printer and to consider sharing with departments in the same area.

Further reading

You can find out about the Impact technology has on the environment.