Create conference guest accounts
As a member of Imperial College London staff or a registered conference sponsor, you will be able to see the Create a conference option when you login to the Guest Access system. If this option does not appear for you, contact the ICT Service Desk.
If you are a student, you will require approval from the member of staff organising the event.
To set up conference guest accounts using the Guest Access system, follow these steps:
Step one
- Go to the Guest Access System.
- Enter your College username and password.
- Click Create a conference.
Fill in details about the conference/event/course as below then click on the Proceed button at the bottom of the webpage:
- Conference Name – The name of the event, conference or course.
- Number of guests/delegates - This provides an upper limit on the number of accounts the system will allocate to this conference.
- Location – Where the conference/event/course is taking place.
- Access to Virtual Learning Environment (Blackboard) – The guest accounts will be registered in Blackboard, so that you can allocate them to the appropriate course.
- Access to Library e-resources – This option will allows the guest accounts access to Library E-sources protected by the EZ-Proxy or Shibboleth systems.
- Conference start date – The date the conference/event/course starts.
- Conference end date – The last date of the conference/event/course. All the conference’s guest accounts will expire after this date.
- Allow printing – This will configure the guest accounts so they can use the College print service and printing costs will be charged back to your department.
- Print service code – The departmental GL journal code that printing should be charged to.
- Print service allowance per guest £– The maximum amount of printing costs that the guest can use automatically, without them having to buy further print credits. (See print service)
- Specify any other IT access required – All guest accounts can connect to Wi-Fi and can login into non-restricted college computers. If they require use of restricted college computers (most often found in cluster rooms or labs), or access to resources in group folders, Sharepoint etc. please specify what and we will attempt to arrange access.
Step two
On clicking Proceed, a conference will be created with the required number of guest accounts allocated to it, these accounts will also become members of the security group <confxxxxx-group>, which can be used to allow these guest accounts to access various Windows resources.
Selecting Email Details will send you an email with the necessary conference details.
There are now two options available to you for creating the guest accounts: self-registration or using the Output Accounts feature.
You can allow your guests to self-register by instructing them to follow these steps:
- Ask your guests to log in to a College Windows computer using the username and password provided. This will bring up the guest access webpages. Instruct them to select Register yourself using previously assigned guest account ticket and enter the conference username in the Unique ID field.
- Send this link to your guests: Ask them to self-register by selecting Register yourself using previously assigned guest account ticket and entering the conference username in the Unique ID field.
Output accounts
You can get a list of guest accounts and passwords by clicking on Output Accounts. This will be provide you with a comma separated (.csv) file of the usernames and passwords. If selecting this option, you will have to record manually who was given which account and your guests will not be able to self-register.
Depending on your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox etc.), the prompt to save the file may appear behind your browser window.
Contact the ICT Service Desk if you have any questions or experience any problems when setting up or using Guest accounts.