Business Analytics Super Users
Business Analytics super-user access to any system is only available to a subject matter experts and is based on job role and training.
If you want access to existing business analytics, contact the ICT Service Desk and provide the following details:
- your Imperial College London username;
- your College role or job title;
- the subject area(s) you need access to and why;
- the tool specific training sessions (if any) you have previously attended.
Service Desk will seek approval from the relevant subject area owner(s) and you will be contacted with the outcome. Where applicable, training will be provided by the relevant subject matter owner.
Additional Support for Super-Users
The business analytics super-user community at Imperial College is growing and, as such, Information Insight have been introducing further support. If you are a business analytics super-user you, or a representative of your area, will be invited to attend the Business Analytics Super-User Group. This is an opportunity to share good practice across the College and find out about the latest developments.
You can also contact Information Insight for general business analytics advice.